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Faith/Icarus — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums
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So I really enjoyed Catalyst, there are definitely things that could have been done better but on the whole I loved the game. But I was wondering if anybody else notice a vibe between Icarus and Faith? Particularly in the mission where you help Icarus out of the electrical cage thing and then the lair is attacked. I hate to be ^that^ person but I think I ship those two...


  • Don't be that person. Seriously, this isn't a Bioware game. Faith has more important things to worry about.
  • I would ship them, but since this is Mirror's edge I don't want a romance bogging down the story. Not everything needs romance.
  • killchan
    64 posts
    edited June 2016
    To me, the whole thing felt kinda rushed. One day Icarus acts all cool, the next day he wants to get closer... like, no in-between developement.
    Faith totally ignoring him the whole time is beside the point, but that's still better than those two becoming a couple when, as I said, the subplot was rushed completely and totally onesided.
  • ninemil wrote: »
    Don't be that person. Seriously, this isn't a Bioware game. Faith has more important things to worry about.

    Honestly I agree with you. I don't think Faith needs a romance- she's not the kind of character who should be held back by a guy or girl, and she's not the kind of person who'd have the time, energy or commitment for that thing. Her true love is running and I'm really glad EA/Dice didn't write in a love story. I just thought the Faith/Icarus idea was cute; I don't necessarily think it should be written into the story as a big deal, because these games already rush their plots anyway, and it's not like the storyline was very well done as it is. Still, I thought the teasing was nice. I'm glad they didn't push the matter.
  • God no. Icarus was just an awful character, useless, literally. Celeste should've been in his place with a bigger role in fact.
    If Faith and him would end up together, I'd be so done.
    "The Flow is what keeps us running... keeps us alive."
  • Yeah, Icarus is gross, he should never get a girl ever. At leat not until he learns how to be a gentleman. Faith deserves someone like Noah, smart, loving, concerned for others and mature.

    But yeah, hopefully this never has romance. Romancing games is often super dumb. We're supposed to be immersed in the characters, and if the character has a romantic thing with someone we don't like that just ruins the game.

    Besides this game is about sisters love.
  • I can't say I don't like Icarus, because I don't know him. None of us do. We don't know whether he's self centered by nature or just arrogant around Faith because she's rivaling for Noah's attention. We don't know him - because the game left no room for getting to know the characters.

    I know this isn't a bioware game, I just wish there was a tad more interaction with the characters. At least that when questing for them, they would open up about their pasts: why they are what/where they are. That way they might have grown a little more interesting.
  • Ash wrote: »
    God no. Icarus was just an awful character, useless, literally. Celeste should've been in his place with a bigger role in fact.
    If Faith and him would end up together, I'd be so done.

    I really wish Celeste was in the game more too. Icarus didn't need to be such a major character, I agree.
  • I don't usually like to get involved with shipping discussions, and I don't think we need romance in a Mirror's Edge game, but my ship for Catalyst would be Faith+Plastic. At first I was thinking Nomad should be with Faith or Plastic, but Plastic would think he's weird for being an artist; and while he clearly seems to like Faith, I don't get the vibe that they would be good together. Besides, Mirror's Edge is a progressive game, why not have a progressive romance or two?
  • I don't usually like to get involved with shipping discussions, and I don't think we need romance in a Mirror's Edge game, but my ship for Catalyst would be Faith+Plastic.
    How about not? You realise Faith is currently one of the only strong female protagonists in the industry, not either a) designed to look like an 80's pin-up, or b) randomly shoehorned into representing x-y-z minority?

    We don't need another Rhianna Pratchett Lara Croft. It's been done, and done very successfully, very recently. Knock it off.

    In general, the love interest thing is tired, samey, and completely unnecessary. Leave Faith as she is - focused, angry, hopeful. And far too busy for love interests. She has enough problems protecting the people dear to her that she has, without loading herself down with even more baggage. After that final cutscene, I'm sure we'd all agree, the last thing on her mind is getting laid.
  • ninemil wrote: »
    How about not? You realise Faith is currently one of the only strong female protagonists in the industry, not either a) designed to look like an 80's pin-up, or b) randomly shoehorned into representing x-y-z minority?

    We don't need another Rhianna Pratchett Lara Croft. It's been done, and done very successfully, very recently. Knock it off.

    In general, the love interest thing is tired, samey, and completely unnecessary. Leave Faith as she is - focused, angry, hopeful. And far too busy for love interests. She has enough problems protecting the people dear to her that she has, without loading herself down with even more baggage. After that final cutscene, I'm sure we'd all agree, the last thing on her mind is getting laid.

    Chill out; I said I don't think we need romance in the game, remember? Just because I have a ship doesn't mean it needs to sail. Discussions like these are just for fun.
  • Discussions like these are just for fun.
    I see them as counter-productive, and detrimental to the author's original message.

    First thing you'll see discussed in relation to any product with a strong cast, is stuff like this. Extrapolating romances and sexualities that whilst potentially desirable to us as fans of the characters, have nothing to do with the original vision. I'm a writer myself, and I'm increasingly tending toward Anne Rice's way of thinking. Let the IP owner do the storytelling - they don't need our help. If the author wants you to gravitate towards a topic, they'll give you proper reason to.
  • ninemil wrote: »
    I don't usually like to get involved with shipping discussions, and I don't think we need romance in a Mirror's Edge game, but my ship for Catalyst would be Faith+Plastic.
    How about not? You realise Faith is currently one of the only strong female protagonists in the industry, not either a) designed to look like an 80's pin-up, or b) randomly shoehorned into representing x-y-z minority?

    We don't need another Rhianna Pratchett Lara Croft. It's been done, and done very successfully, very recently. Knock it off.

    In general, the love interest thing is tired, samey, and completely unnecessary. Leave Faith as she is - focused, angry, hopeful. And far too busy for love interests. She has enough problems protecting the people dear to her that she has, without loading herself down with even more baggage. After that final cutscene, I'm sure we'd all agree, the last thing on her mind is getting laid.

    As we both stated, the romance thing is definitely not necessary in a story like this; it's a beautiful thing that Faith is currently one of the only video game heroines right now to not be designed hyper-sexualised or as the star of a love story. But as the consumers we can view the story as we like; ships are just for fun.
    In any case, I can see Faith/Plastic being a nice couple. Of course this is just a small and fun idea; it doesn't have to be implemented in game.
    Also, I'm aware this is off-topic, but how was the recent Lara Croft progressive in terms of relationships? I know there's been speculation of a Sam/Lara relationship in the 2013 Tomb Raider, but a) that's one progressive relationship in a long line of hypersexualised straight video game romances and b) that was certainly never canon.
  • ninemil wrote: »
    I see them as counter-productive, and detrimental to the author's original message.

    First thing you'll see discussed in relation to any product with a strong cast, is stuff like this. Extrapolating romances and sexualities that whilst potentially desirable to us as fans of the characters, have nothing to do with the original vision. I'm a writer myself, and I'm increasingly tending toward Anne Rice's way of thinking. Let the IP owner do the storytelling - they don't need our help. If the author wants you to gravitate towards a topic, they'll give you proper reason to.

    I do let the IP owners do they storytelling. I'm not emailing DICE and demanding that they use my ideas. And I fail to see how discussing which characters might make good couples is "counter-productive and detrimental to the author's original message" as you put it. You have to realize that we are on a forum, sanctioned by the developers, within an area designated for "general discussion", which effectively means whatever we want to talk about that has anything to do with the game. That includes characters and speculations regarding future relationships.
  • And I fail to see how discussing which characters might make good couples is "counter-productive and detrimental to the author's original message" as you put it.
    Because more often than not, that's all anyone talks about. It also tends towards 'head canon,' 'popular shipping' and other personal and group affirmations that then lead to disappointment when the next instalment of the series appears, and the customer feels let down that those extrapolations weren't upheld.

    In other words, it does no one any good. Focus on what you're told, not on what you wish you were told, and when the film continues rolling, your response is unbiased and pure. In a fringe product like this, that's more important than you might think.
  • ninemil wrote: »
    Because more often than not, that's all anyone talks about. It also tends towards 'head canon,' 'popular shipping' and other personal and group affirmations that then lead to disappointment when the next instalment of the series appears, and the customer feels let down that those extrapolations weren't upheld.

    In other words, it does no one any good. Focus on what you're told, not on what you wish you were told, and when the film continues rolling, your response is unbiased and pure. In a fringe product like this, that's more important than you might think.

    It doesn't sound like we're going to agree on this, but it's fun for a lot of people, and I really don't think it's as harmful as you make it sound. Try as you might, I doubt you'll be able to stop people from creating 'head cannon' any more than you can stop the sun from rising. Besides, I'm not expecting the developers to do romance at all, so it won't affect my bias. Not that there's such a thing as a truly unbiased opinion. But, you've made your point. Duly noted.
  • But, you've made your point. Duly noted.
    *raises glass*
  • I don't like the idea of romance in the game either but I congratulate Harald and ninemil for resolving peacefully instead of cussing each other out.
    Lorn Maverick
  • It's a sad state of affairs when good behaviour needs calling out. : D
    980 Ti, i7 6700K, 16GB RAM, Samsung SSD 950 Pro, Windows 10
  • LOL I know right. :)
    Lorn Maverick
  • My Faith definitely hooked up with Plastic and lives in her lair now. lol
  • ninemil wrote: »
    Don't be that person. Seriously, this isn't a Bioware game. Faith has more important things to worry about.

    Well, while this isn't the type of game to focus on romance, but having it in there as a background type of thing is something i wouldn't say no to, because having someone to love, makes you have someone worth fighting for, dying for, even living for and the Faith character has no one and is less likely to fight with all her will to survive.

    Some people don't get it, but having that crazy love thing can give you more strength to survive, to fight more than those without it.
  • Lithari wrote: »
    ninemil wrote: »
    Don't be that person. Seriously, this isn't a Bioware game. Faith has more important things to worry about.

    Well, while this isn't the type of game to focus on romance, but having it in there as a background type of thing is something i wouldn't say no to, because having someone to love, makes you have someone worth fighting for, dying for, even living for and the Faith character has no one and is less likely to fight with all her will to survive.

    Some people don't get it, but having that crazy love thing can give you more strength to survive, to fight more than those without it.

    I really like this quote. As long as the romance isn't a big deal and it doesn't define Faith's character- I mean, she's one of the most badass female characters in video game history and we can't have that destroyed- it would be a nice touch. Definitely not if it was made overly important, or too much of a distraction from Faith's character or developing storyline.
  • Lithari wrote: »
    ninemil wrote: »
    Don't be that person. Seriously, this isn't a Bioware game. Faith has more important things to worry about.

    Well, while this isn't the type of game to focus on romance, but having it in there as a background type of thing is something i wouldn't say no to, because having someone to love, makes you have someone worth fighting for, dying for, even living for and the Faith character has no one and is less likely to fight with all her will to survive.

    Some people don't get it, but having that crazy love thing can give you more strength to survive, to fight more than those without it.

    I really like this quote. As long as the romance isn't a big deal and it doesn't define Faith's character- I mean, she's one of the most badass female characters in video game history and we can't have that destroyed- it would be a nice touch. Definitely not if it was made overly important, or too much of a distraction from Faith's character or developing storyline.

    I agree, if it can be integrated well I wouldn't mind; I also do remember the DEV's saying something about this in an interview or something, can't remember which one though
  • Maverick wrote: »
    I don't like the idea of romance in the game either but I congratulate Harald and ninemil for resolving peacefully instead of cussing each other out.

    It's altogether too uncommon on the internet, unfortunately. But thank you; I like to think that we're all here to discuss the game, not argue about it.
  • Lithari wrote: »
    Some people don't get it, but having that crazy love thing can give you more strength to survive, to fight more than those without it.

    ...that's why she has a sister...

  • You really should spoiler tag that, Luke.
  • Maverick wrote: »
    I don't like the idea of romance in the game either but I congratulate Harald and ninemil for resolving peacefully instead of cussing each other out.

    It's altogether too uncommon on the internet, unfortunately. But thank you; I like to think that we're all here to discuss the game, not argue about it.

    Agreed. I think I heard you mention that you have a console version of the game? Is it an Xbox One? If it is did the update fix the issues it was having? I know the pc version is still having major problems.
    Lorn Maverick
  • ninemil wrote: »
    You really should spoiler tag that, Luke.

    Anyone who has played the first one knows she has a sister and you probably shouldn't be playing this one if you haven't played the first one.
  • ninemil wrote: »
    You really should spoiler tag that, Luke.

    Anyone who has played the first one knows she has a sister and you probably shouldn't be playing this one if you haven't played the first one.

    This is a reboot, not a sequel/prequel, so the storyline and timeline have changed; the beginning of the new game states Faith doesn't have a sister, so that's still a spoiler.
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