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  • CookieMan
    30 posts
    edited June 2016
    I didn't like Icarus much at all. His arrogant, self centered attitude just really made me dislike him. Then his sudden change of personality into this puppy dog care bear really made me just feel weird about him. Its like he had two different roles in the game but the devs didn't have time to create another character. I feel Icarus should've died with Noah, then a character like Nomad or Celeste could have came in as that close and friendly role that Icarus suddenly changed into. If there was more time for the devs to create some character development, I believe Icarus should've been a big focus considering his role in the story was very confusing for how much he changed. A back story as well as some more spotlight with emotional scenes could have made him more understandable, there for more likable. As of now, I definitely don't care for him/his character. To get back to the whole "shipping" topic, romance in mirrors edge is DEFINITELY not something I'd ever want to see. Besides, no character in the game would fit the kind of guy faith deserves.
    "I'm gonna' run."
  • CookieMan wrote: »
    Then his sudden change of personality...
    His father-figure just died. Sudden? Um...

    Listen to the New Guy voice files if you need convincing this was a big thing for Icarus.
  • ninemil wrote: »
    CookieMan wrote: »
    Then his sudden change of personality...
    His father-figure just died. Sudden? Um...

    Listen to the New Guy voice files if you need convincing this was a big thing for Icarus.

    I find that the relationship between Icarus and Faith changes so abruptly with good reason. Their father figure dies, they're outcast from their cabal, their home is destroyed. They might not have been close before but circumstances force them together and they have no choice but to work with one another. That's what makes them so close with one another all of a sudden. Yes, it is a little sudden and out of the blue, but realistically, everything they loved, they shared, and it was taken from both of them. They had to help one another to help their own situations.
  • Yes, it is a little sudden and out of the blue, but realistically, everything they loved, they shared, and it was taken from both of them. They had to help one another to help their own situations.
  • NeloAngelo086
    25 posts
    edited August 2016
    I like Icarus, at the begining he seems just a "meh" character who had a cool costume, plus the lack of cutcenes to help characters develop on a more deeper level didnt help, but, once you noticed the good voice acting you realise there is something more to them, I started to like Icarus on that mission you have to rescue him, Faith says "you own me" and he responds "yeah I do...", in just there I saw he had a code of good morals and I realized he was just defencive about her, she was a stranger to him and he only heard the bad, the records helped me understand this. As the story progressed I saw him as a bro who has a crush on Faith, but I didnt see it as a romance because Faith "is a euroasian independent woman who needs no men!" XD I think its fine this way. I honestly like Icarus so much now that I'd love to have a Dlc with him explaining his past during joining the Black November and then fiding Noah and ending up with the Cabal doing Takedowns on KrugerSec.
  • A romance wouldn't fit in the games story personally, but if dice did it properly and developed each character with deeper emotional interaction then it wouldn't even be something that bad. Now im not saying I want this, but faith is young, she's lost her family, she's lost Noah, she's on her own, i like that about her, she's strong and capable, but if you think of it in a realistic way, she's lost sooooo much, her sister too, who seems to be so riddled with the thought that the conglomerate is making life "great" again... That maybe she needs that close friend ship, not necessarily a relationship, with Icarus or Nomad or someone. It'd build up her emotional levels, maybe in a sequel to catalyst you would see the severe change of a heroine, she's still strong and capable, but the thought of losing more people is unbearable, so then a relationship wouldn't work, and things change drastically and severely. To be honest, im inbetween this. Im not for it but im also not to fussed if it ever happens, to me its not that much of a big deal, and im sure if it ever happens, Dice wouldn't make it a serious thing that shapes a story so much...
  • I definitely ship the two, but I don't think a romance would suit the game very well. If Dice were to do it, they'd have to do it right, and I hate to say this but Dice don't do many things right, at least storywise.
  • I hate to be ^that^ person but I think I ship those two...

    I'll be honest, I ship it too. Nomad annoyed me for whatever reason and I highly doubt Plastic would even understand the concepts of love and relationships xD

  • Mukar wrote: »
    I hate to be ^that^ person but I think I ship those two...

    I'll be honest, I ship it too. Nomad annoyed me for whatever reason and I highly doubt Plastic would even understand the concepts of love and relationships xD

    Yeah, I can see a relationship between Plastic and Faith, but it doesn't really seem right to me for some reason. Plastic is my favourite character, but I don't see the two together romantically. And Nomad is practically a brother to Faith. (I didn't really like him as a character, either, probably because he got such little development.)
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