what do you guys reckon??? do you think they will show something to do with our beloved mirrors edge catalyst? new game? DLC? i really hope something happens, because they haven't showed us anything on social media since it was release. my theory is that they are waiting for e3 to announce something big?? i dont know its just a theory, what do you guys think???
Also judging by the cliffhangery, sequel-hinting ending of the game, I don't think it'll be too long before the next one is announced or released.
Yeah i agree!! I just really want there to be more because it would be absolutely awesome!!!
Exactly, the ending did state that they started something they intend to finish... so lets hope we see something soon!!!
Sometime at the start of next month, not sure on specific dates haven't checked, but i so badly want more mirrors edge!!!
Hey it isn't next month, it's in June unfortunately
aahh my mistake lol
ohhh yes, new information, this information about to a reunion may have something to do with meetings for the game maybe???
Catalyst is a huge commercial wreck, sales didn't exceed 1 million according to VGchartz.
EA managers are surely burning DiCE offices right now, and i'm SURE we'll never have any Mirror's Edge content in the future.
Catalyst was a second chance, and EA won't give them a third one. You'll have to admit that Mirror's Edge doesn't please the public, and that we are only few fans around the globe... sadly.
I talked to the environment artist of Catalyst today, and she told me she no longer works for DiCE or any Mirror's Edge related content... which is not a good news.
Keep in mind that they only list physical copies. There are no statistics for digital copies.
Yeah indeed, but physical still exceeds digital nowadays, and for now, MEC was sold 660 000 copies....
Bro, even with digital, Catalyst is still a serious failure. And believe me, i'm the first to be sad of that. I just spent the most beautifull hours of my life on this game.
You sure about that? Try searching for "digital vs physical game sales". From what I can find, digital sales surpassed a couple of years ago, and while I couldn't find any statistics for 2016 (or 2017, obviously) the previous trend is pointing towards the amount of digital sales being even higher now.
Also, EA publicly stated that "Catalyst was meeting their expectations", so I don't think we should be too negative here.
So it wasn't that catastrophic.
Maybe we can hope for DLC's @E3...
But still not sure for a sequel. Which is sad because Catalyst is meant to be the first of a trilogy
But yeah, not so negative indeed, let's pray we have more
Maybe you just live in a country with good taste ahah
Same to be honest, i feel they will either have asmall teaser for a sequel, or full information for large Dlc, as we have heard in a podcast that apparently the voice actors of Faith and Icarus mentioned that there was dlc... but I haven't heard it for myself, apparently others have though... lets just keep our fingers crossed...
You can listen to it here:
Gotta love Faye when she speaks in my language.
do you know what time specifically they said this, the podcast goes for a while...
It's around the 40 minute mark