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OK (and I'm french too ^^). So first you should play on in english. French is just garbage here. And can you post some screenshots? I have an, well, old configuration (i7 2600K, 16Go, HD7950 3Go, 1680x1050) and I'm on hyper, except models, textures, dof and all is perfect, excepts few decals sometimes. I don't think that I have the same problems like yours.
OK (and I'm french too ^^). So first you should play on in english. French is just garbage here. And can you post some screenshots? I have an, well, old configuration (i7 2600K, 16Go, HD7950 3Go, 1680x1050) and I'm on hyper, except models, textures, dof and all is perfect, excepts few decals sometimes. I don't think that I have the same problems like yours.
"Old" configuration, lol.
My configuration is inferior (AMD Athlon X4 760K 4.2 Ghz, Sapphire ATI Radeon R7 260X 2 Go, 12 Go), and the game is just long to load at the start and extremely laggy for about 1 minute in-game. I think the rest like low-quality shadows and backgrounds is inherent to the game.
No, I don't think so. You have just 2 Go for your CG, it's too short for "Ultra". I don't have any problem about shadows and background are great (even if, that's right, they aren't that good when they are far away in the background).
You have typically memory problems, with the engine which needs to stream textures a lot of times because there's not enough memory, so the lag and low textures resolution on background.
By the way, have tried to uncheck the option that unlocks the "memory limitations due to CG" ? That could help.
To the original poster..
As you can see I already have a total of around 5 hours revolving around the campaign only. Thats not what I call a short campaign. Modern Warfare 2 of Call of duty, THATS a short campaign...
OK (and I'm french too ^^). So first you should play on in english. French is just garbage here. And can you post some screenshots? I have an, well, old configuration (i7 2600K, 16Go, HD7950 3Go, 1680x1050) and I'm on hyper, except models, textures, dof and all is perfect, excepts few decals sometimes. I don't think that I have the same problems like yours.
"Old" configuration, lol.
My configuration is inferior (AMD Athlon X4 760K 4.2 Ghz, Sapphire ATI Radeon R7 260X 2 Go, 12 Go), and the game is just long to load at the start and extremely laggy for about 1 minute in-game. I think the rest like low-quality shadows and backgrounds is inherent to the game.
I just found a solution to run the game faster : Set the video settings to Personalized and just lower the Post-Process quality. Surprisingly, I find the game looks better and clearer with Low, Medium or High Post-Process quality. I guess Ultra or Hyper use too much Anti-Aliasing, which is the worst thing to make systems lag.
So now I run the game at +40 FPS stable instead of 20 unstable ; and it's much more pleasant to play.
Hey guys and gals,
sorry to hear some of you aren't enjoying Catalyst. It's always tough to hear when people didn't enjoy it at all of course, but in the end I am very happy that we got the opportunity to build this game, and I am very proud of what I and the team built. I absolutely love some of the main missions, and still get goosebumps at the end of benefactor, or in prisoner X. I especially love how varied the side missions are, not JUST delivery missions. The depth of the visual style, and how each district is defined, I think ended up really cool. and I think the audio and lighting is top notch.
...and thanks to those of you who are expressing how much you enjoyed it. we appreciate every word
Level Artist - Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst
I fight for the users!
Hey guys and gals,
sorry to hear some of you aren't enjoying Catalyst. It's always tough to hear when people didn't enjoy it at all of course, but in the end I am very happy that we got the opportunity to build this game, and I am very proud of what I and the team built. I absolutely love some of the main missions, and still get goosebumps at the end of benefactor, or in prisoner X. I especially love how varied the side missions are, not JUST delivery missions. The depth of the visual style, and how each district is defined, I think ended up really cool. and I think the audio and lighting is top notch.
...and thanks to those of you who are expressing how much you enjoyed it. we appreciate every word
Hi Linnea !
Well, I have to say I enjoy Catalyst in the end, but I think there are some things killing the goodness of the game AND the franchise, like Faith's look or personnality, the characters and the scenario on my side. (I just loved the asian Faith so much, she looked so cool... )
Otherwise Catalyst gameplay is awesome and it makes the original Mirror's Edge very minimalist. Graphics are great, yet I miss the bright white and fresh blue palette or the "Dream" aspect of the first game. The Level Design is also too linear. And I just wished the game had multiple little things like the sports aspects more apparent, character customisation, RPG-Like character improvement...
I think Mirror's Edge Catalyst has to represent a solid base, in terms of gameplay at least, for a next episode less Hollywoodian, maybe Online only.
I seem to rant a lot about the game in my messages, but I really enjoy it, don't get me wrong. I just think the characters and the scenario settings kill it somewhere (the ending was like a middle finger to me, but nevermind ).
Hey guys and gals,
sorry to hear some of you aren't enjoying Catalyst. It's always tough to hear when people didn't enjoy it at all of course, but in the end I am very happy that we got the opportunity to build this game, and I am very proud of what I and the team built. I absolutely love some of the main missions, and still get goosebumps at the end of benefactor, or in prisoner X. I especially love how varied the side missions are, not JUST delivery missions. The depth of the visual style, and how each district is defined, I think ended up really cool. and I think the audio and lighting is top notch.
...and thanks to those of you who are expressing how much you enjoyed it. we appreciate every word
I appreciate a developer responding to my forum topic but I'm not sure what to say regarding how "very happy" you are with the final product given the enormous amount of tech issues and mediocre reviews with Catalyst. Honestly, and I'm not being facetious, you really believe Catalyst is on par with the incredible titles on the market today? Personally, I was looking forward towards a "Rise of the Tomb Raider" caliber campaign and world size. God knows it was marketed as such, but what we got was rather... underwhelming, to put it nicely. Is it possible to discuss or hint at future development of the franchise?
To the original poster..
As you can see I already have a total of around 5 hours revolving around the campaign only. Thats not what I call a short campaign. Modern Warfare 2 of Call of duty, THATS a short campaign...
If you really think Catalyst campaign isn't short then I don't know what to tell you. The whole Call of Duty franchise were never known for their campaign and boasts the shortest ones in Video Game history so your comparison is frail. How about you compare it to Tomb Raider or Uncharted games?
DICE, why don't you make Mirror's Edge like a sports game franchise ?
Like Faith Connors's Pro Parkour 2K20 or whatever.
With online multiplayer, which is DICE strongest point probably
I could totally see myself playing a cop chasing people in a round and then do parkour to evades cop in another !
DICE, why don't you make Mirror's Edge like a sports game franchise ?
Like Faith Connors's Pro Parkour 2K20 or whatever.
With online multiplayer, which is DICE strongest point probably
I could totally see myself playing a cop chasing people in a round and then do parkour to evades cop in another !
Would require dedicated servers to work - in peer-to-peer, the advantage from cable-jacking and lagswitching would be so massive, the game would be dead on arrival. And of course, dedicated servers require a certain size of playerbase and revenue.
We have something similar to the gameplay you're describing in a Quake 3 competitive mod I worked on, called CPM. Look it up, if you're on PC.
DICE, why don't you make Mirror's Edge like a sports game franchise ?
Like Faith Connors's Pro Parkour 2K20 or whatever.
I really don't think that would work. Part of the magic of the game is the aesthetic of the city, and playing in a world you don't know much about and need to learn. A sports game wouldn't be Mirror's Edge.
The problem would be : Imagine 5 skilled runners. They know how to run to be the fastest. Put them on a big rooftop with plenty of obstacles to climb, etc. By definition, some runners would have a better route, a faster way to the end, so you'd know that to be here or there you'll win or lose the race (except if you do something wrong).
The races wouldn't be fun for a long time, and would be a nightmare to design anyway.
More I think of it, more I'm sure that any multiplayer play would be fun... 5 minutes, and after that the skilled runners kill the game by being the winners everywhere. ME is not Overwatch. If you aren't skilled you can't compete against someone who is.
That's why un-synchronized multiplayer only exists, to avoid this. If you loose against someone that is more skilled than you, it doesn't matter, you can train until you can beat "the ghost".
A multi like Overwatch or with just races would be dead under a week.
@Teto Racing may not necessarily be the playlist though. Capture the Flag, tag, manhunt etc. can be the implemented multiplayer modes. There's so much to create off this platform, all it needs is a creative approach.
It would be cool if you could at least see your friend in the map, like as a live Echo, or something? Like a constant Time Trial. Maybe they couldn't interact with your world, but show you stuff?
It would be cool if you could at least see your friend in the map, like as a live Echo, or something? Like a constant Time Trial. Maybe they couldn't interact with your world, but show you stuff?
@Imaproshaman yeah, it should be a fundamental online feature but alas, it's not. Open world multiplayer where runners could just run about the city and fool around should've been standard:/
While I don't wanna disturb your multiplayer fantasies, I still wanna kindly remind you of the topic: Why this game doesn't live up to what it was supposed to be. And the lack of more multiplayer was NOT what many criticised about it. It's rather a nice addition for the future.
I think you are allowed to wish for that - as long as such mulitplayer is always kept separated from the rest of the singleplayer part.
As for the length of the campaign: It is something highly subjective. For some it's long enough, but for me, it can never be long enough! I am a gamer who is absolutely primed on epicness in big scales and narratives, without it and the proper visualization, I cease to be motivated.
The Witcher 3 was long, yet still I felt let down at the end, as I felt it could habe been much longer. Starcraft 2 has three epic campaigns including more than 70 missions - and still it was all too short for me.
As for Catalyst, do not confuse campaign time with game time. If everything about Catalyst would just be main story line and campaign, it would have been better. Instead, much of the time the average gamer just does random, repetitive tasks like deliveries. Such stuff belongs to Ubisoft games, not here.
As I said in my own review a month ago: You went full Ubisoft, never go full Ubisoft. You might check it out.
Don't tell the developers what they have to think/do, it's the best way to not be listened.
You compare things that aren't comparable. ME is not an RPG action game and won't be for sure. It's not Starcraft. They are games, yes, but that's all.
That said, yes MEC has BIG flaws. But the length of the main missions can't be long, or DICE would have hired an army to design them. The problem of MEC is that's a game about fastness, period. So the missions must be designed to be played quickly, so length of the mission is a concern, because that takes a lot of time to design. The missions/levels in the first game were very very short, sometimes less than 5mn, the game can be played under 2 hours when you know the levels. So....
I mean, side activities like deliveries or even distraction (that are fun) are repetitive, but you don't have many choices when the general gameplay of the game is not as developed as games like TW3. Remember, in MEC you run and you fight. Period. And a juge amount of time/persons where used for that (because MEC with a bad gameplay or casualized would be a piece of *beeep*).
And to be clear, "?" on the map in TW3 are not far different than the activities in MEC. Bad example, if you tell me.
I was talking about main campaign, not main missions. If the missions can't be made longer, fine, but the number of missions can be increased. As long as you have good ideas to make them diverse.
Maybe some things are just not in proportion in terms of campaign length. Take the characters, for example: Nomad and Birdman have been introduced to us as one of the seven main characters, but in the game itself, they were just dropped like hot coals after the first few missions. Clear sign of too many characters for a too short campaign.
So maybe the marketing is to blame, as it made the game seem much bigger than it turned out to be in the end. Remember the 3D-map and how it was once told to us that "the whole map will be explorable"?
I was talking about main campaign, not main missions. If the missions can't be made longer, fine, but the number of missions can be increased. As long as you have good ideas to make them diverse.
Maybe some things are just not in proportion in terms of campaign length. Take the characters, for example: Nomad and Birdman have been introduced to us as one of the seven main characters, but in the game itself, they were just dropped like hot coals after the first few missions. Clear sign of too many characters for a too short campaign.
So maybe the marketing is to blame, as it made the game seem much bigger than it turned out to be in the end. Remember the 3D-map and how it was once told to us that "the whole map will be explorable"?
Spot on about Nomad and Birdman. Nomad is in lots of side missions, but Birdman in particular... there are two, maybe three missions featuring him tops. He's introduced like an important mentor and character, and yet he is literally forgotten by everybody after you've played the mission where
you find his two birds dead
. He was one character that especially had potential, rendered completely useless by the short campaign.
Speaking of Mirror's Edge, while reviews were pretty mixed, [Laura Miele, EA Global Publishing Head] said that the game is "definitely meeting our expectations... We are pretty happy to bring this character and this world to market. It's a big open world game, so we made a lot of evolution from the original experience and we're very proud of that. I also think that Mirror's Edge as a game IP - we talked earlier about the EA Originals, about having creative content, having a first person action game, having Faith and her story and character as a mix in the industry, is important for us. I think it's important for EA to continue to do all games, big and small, and I'm really proud that we stayed committed to bringing that game to market."
"Old" configuration, lol.
My configuration is inferior (AMD Athlon X4 760K 4.2 Ghz, Sapphire ATI Radeon R7 260X 2 Go, 12 Go), and the game is just long to load at the start and extremely laggy for about 1 minute in-game. I think the rest like low-quality shadows and backgrounds is inherent to the game.
You have typically memory problems, with the engine which needs to stream textures a lot of times because there's not enough memory, so the lag and low textures resolution on background.
By the way, have tried to uncheck the option that unlocks the "memory limitations due to CG" ? That could help.
As you can see I already have a total of around 5 hours revolving around the campaign only. Thats not what I call a short campaign. Modern Warfare 2 of Call of duty, THATS a short campaign...
I know what you mean pookie
So now I run the game at +40 FPS stable instead of 20 unstable ; and it's much more pleasant to play.
sorry to hear some of you aren't enjoying Catalyst. It's always tough to hear when people didn't enjoy it at all of course, but in the end I am very happy that we got the opportunity to build this game, and I am very proud of what I and the team built. I absolutely love some of the main missions, and still get goosebumps at the end of benefactor, or in prisoner X. I especially love how varied the side missions are, not JUST delivery missions. The depth of the visual style, and how each district is defined, I think ended up really cool. and I think the audio and lighting is top notch.
...and thanks to those of you who are expressing how much you enjoyed it. we appreciate every word
I fight for the users!
Hi Linnea !
Well, I have to say I enjoy Catalyst in the end, but I think there are some things killing the goodness of the game AND the franchise, like Faith's look or personnality, the characters and the scenario on my side. (I just loved the asian Faith so much, she looked so cool...
Otherwise Catalyst gameplay is awesome and it makes the original Mirror's Edge very minimalist. Graphics are great, yet I miss the bright white and fresh blue palette or the "Dream" aspect of the first game. The Level Design is also too linear. And I just wished the game had multiple little things like the sports aspects more apparent, character customisation, RPG-Like character improvement...
I think Mirror's Edge Catalyst has to represent a solid base, in terms of gameplay at least, for a next episode less Hollywoodian, maybe Online only.
I seem to rant a lot about the game in my messages, but I really enjoy it, don't get me wrong. I just think the characters and the scenario settings kill it somewhere (the ending was like a middle finger to me, but nevermind
I appreciate a developer responding to my forum topic but I'm not sure what to say regarding how "very happy" you are with the final product given the enormous amount of tech issues and mediocre reviews with Catalyst. Honestly, and I'm not being facetious, you really believe Catalyst is on par with the incredible titles on the market today? Personally, I was looking forward towards a "Rise of the Tomb Raider" caliber campaign and world size. God knows it was marketed as such, but what we got was rather... underwhelming, to put it nicely. Is it possible to discuss or hint at future development of the franchise?
If you really think Catalyst campaign isn't short then I don't know what to tell you. The whole Call of Duty franchise were never known for their campaign and boasts the shortest ones in Video Game history so your comparison is frail. How about you compare it to Tomb Raider or Uncharted games?
Good luck with whatever comes next, ME-related or not. Best wishes to the rest of the team for me.
I second this.
Like Faith Connors's Pro Parkour 2K20 or whatever.
With online multiplayer, which is DICE strongest point probably
I could totally see myself playing a cop chasing people in a round and then do parkour to evades cop in another !
We have something similar to the gameplay you're describing in a Quake 3 competitive mod I worked on, called CPM. Look it up, if you're on PC.
I really don't think that would work. Part of the magic of the game is the aesthetic of the city, and playing in a world you don't know much about and need to learn. A sports game wouldn't be Mirror's Edge.
The races wouldn't be fun for a long time, and would be a nightmare to design anyway.
More I think of it, more I'm sure that any multiplayer play would be fun... 5 minutes, and after that the skilled runners kill the game by being the winners everywhere. ME is not Overwatch. If you aren't skilled you can't compete against someone who is.
That's why un-synchronized multiplayer only exists, to avoid this. If you loose against someone that is more skilled than you, it doesn't matter, you can train until you can beat "the ghost".
A multi like Overwatch or with just races would be dead under a week.
@Imaproshaman yeah, it should be a fundamental online feature but alas, it's not. Open world multiplayer where runners could just run about the city and fool around should've been standard:/
I think you are allowed to wish for that - as long as such mulitplayer is always kept separated from the rest of the singleplayer part.
As for the length of the campaign: It is something highly subjective. For some it's long enough, but for me, it can never be long enough! I am a gamer who is absolutely primed on epicness in big scales and narratives, without it and the proper visualization, I cease to be motivated.
The Witcher 3 was long, yet still I felt let down at the end, as I felt it could habe been much longer. Starcraft 2 has three epic campaigns including more than 70 missions - and still it was all too short for me.
As for Catalyst, do not confuse campaign time with game time. If everything about Catalyst would just be main story line and campaign, it would have been better. Instead, much of the time the average gamer just does random, repetitive tasks like deliveries. Such stuff belongs to Ubisoft games, not here.
As I said in my own review a month ago: You went full Ubisoft, never go full Ubisoft. You might check it out.
You compare things that aren't comparable. ME is not an RPG action game and won't be for sure. It's not Starcraft. They are games, yes, but that's all.
That said, yes MEC has BIG flaws. But the length of the main missions can't be long, or DICE would have hired an army to design them. The problem of MEC is that's a game about fastness, period. So the missions must be designed to be played quickly, so length of the mission is a concern, because that takes a lot of time to design. The missions/levels in the first game were very very short, sometimes less than 5mn, the game can be played under 2 hours when you know the levels. So....
I mean, side activities like deliveries or even distraction (that are fun) are repetitive, but you don't have many choices when the general gameplay of the game is not as developed as games like TW3. Remember, in MEC you run and you fight. Period. And a juge amount of time/persons where used for that (because MEC with a bad gameplay or casualized would be a piece of *beeep*).
And to be clear, "?" on the map in TW3 are not far different than the activities in MEC. Bad example, if you tell me.
Maybe some things are just not in proportion in terms of campaign length. Take the characters, for example: Nomad and Birdman have been introduced to us as one of the seven main characters, but in the game itself, they were just dropped like hot coals after the first few missions. Clear sign of too many characters for a too short campaign.
So maybe the marketing is to blame, as it made the game seem much bigger than it turned out to be in the end. Remember the 3D-map and how it was once told to us that "the whole map will be explorable"?
Spot on about Nomad and Birdman. Nomad is in lots of side missions, but Birdman in particular... there are two, maybe three missions featuring him tops. He's introduced like an important mentor and character, and yet he is literally forgotten by everybody after you've played the mission where
What did I say?
Full article.
Wanna tell us how EA thinks some more? You've been so close to the mark thus far...