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@tinypanmilk great point, Catalyst introduces characters in the campaign that leads us to believe there would be multiple story lines (endings even) or possibly characters to play other than faith but it was all a drop in the hat. I won't blame marketing because they actually did their job (I bought the game). Talk about a let down...
@Otchum I agree, I'm not sure how much creativity was considered for the game, as far a replay value because Catalyst has diversity written all over it. ****, these forums alone have better ideas than what the MEC team came up with during 4 years!
@tinypanmilk great point, Catalyst introduces characters in the campaign that leads us to believe there would be multiple story lines (endings even) or possibly characters to play other than faith but it was all a drop in the hat. I won't blame marketing because they actually did their job (I bought the game). Talk about a let down...
I in no way felt there would be multiple story lines and endings just because of character introductions, In fact very few games have multiple endings and different story lines - there are two standard things - the main campaign and the side missions. Single players games with multiple playable characters usually explicitly tell you about this feature in which MEC never did in fact it makes it pretty clear this games lead character is Faith. So wanting these extra features is cool but expecting them makes no sense...
To me it's like ordering a pizza and then expecting extra ingredients that were never promised on that pizza then being let down when something that was never said to be there wasn't there...
@tinypanmilk great point, Catalyst introduces characters in the campaign that leads us to believe there would be multiple story lines (endings even) or possibly characters to play other than faith but it was all a drop in the hat. I won't blame marketing because they actually did their job (I bought the game). Talk about a let down...
I in no way felt there would be multiple story lines and endings just because of character introductions, In fact very few games have multiple endings and different story lines - there are two standard things - the main campaign and the side missions. Single players games with multiple playable characters usually explicitly tell you about this feature in which MEC never did in fact it makes it pretty clear this games lead character is Faith. So wanting these extra features is cool but expecting them makes no sense...
To me it's like ordering a pizza and then expecting extra ingredients that were never promised on that pizza then being let down when something that was never said to be there wasn't there...
Oh my god, that is so true. Perfect analogy, by the way.
@Pure_Majestic For a 2016 game in development for 4 years, multiple story lines isn't a stretch. Rockstar has been doing it with GTA for many years and as an open world game, with the introduction of multiple characters, it seemed like a natural fit for Catalyst. I honestly thought story lines were going to branch-off leading to non-linear story telling along with multiple playable characters... at least in a multiplayer capacity. None of which happened:/
I honestly thought story lines were going to branch-off leading to non-linear story telling along with multiple playable characters... at least in a multiplayer capacity. None of which happened:/
Why would they? Did they in the original? Did they in Tomb Raider, (which had a considerably larger budget and development time,) which you keep lauding?
No. False expectation. There was absolutely nothing in the narrative to suggest multiple path. You're just pulling at straws so you can continue whining.
What else are you going to invent? A character generator, just because the advertising said we'd get kits? A map generator, just because the PR said we could make our own time trials?
For reference, FFXIII was in development for over a decade, and didn't feature any of the things you claimed to have been expecting from Catalyst, (a small budget, small team fringe game.) What's your justification there?
@Pure_Majestic For a 2016 game in development for 4 years, multiple story lines isn't a stretch. I honestly thought story lines were going to branch-off leading to non-linear story telling along with multiple playable characters... at least in a multiplayer capacity. None of which happened:/
The thing is to always keep your focus on what the game is about. Mirror's edge has always been a sort of "tech" demo game, most companies have one title like this. It's always, fresh, original, groundbreaking in some area, I think for example of the lightning in Catalyst which in complexity is miles away in terms of "developer" idea (at least the way they proceed to mix GI with baked illumination is quite refreshing and it works well, despite the frozen frame, it produces at rise and dawn time) and the gameplay will likely inspires more game to be similar (like others title who have taken the parkour side and copied a bit of ME dna in terms of gameplay mechanic).
It's a very enjoyable game where parkour is fun. Sure it doesn't have the epicness of a Mass Effect scenario or the budget of a GTA V but it wasn't the intended way (or the intended budget) for this game. It works, it's no perfect but, it succeed where it's most needed, unlike some other failure game that failed at everything (my most recent memory is about a game called Aliens: Colonial Marines supposed to be a multiplayer coop experience and completely failed at it).
As a fellow Xbox One player, I agree. When I first started the game, I was underwhelmed by the visuals to the point where I almost stopped playing it. However, I liked the actual game enough that I was able to overlook the subpar graphics and enjoy my time with the game. Now I'm close to 100% total completion and have since gotten all achievements.
The visuals are still the weakest part of the game, though. DICE really pushed the consoles too hard by making the game open world AND aiming for 60fps. A bit too ambitious for the hardware. That said, I *really* hope to see a Scorpio patch when that comes out next year. The city is gorgeous but the blurry graphics make it hard to take it all in.
@ninemil it's cool if you like short weak sub par games. Personally, I expect more for my money. And considering the competition out there, **** right the MEC team needs to seriously step it up.
@ninemil it's cool if you like short weak sub par games. Personally, I expect more for my money. And considering the competition out there, **** right the MEC team needs to seriously step it up.
This is the kind of thing I don't get at all from "fans" who have been "waiting 8 years" for another Mirror's Edge game. So we get one and all the sudden these high expectations come out of no where that don't track at all with what we got in the first game. It almost makes me want to ask if you really remember the first game. Why all the critic nonsense? Not only should we be ecstatic that we even get a Mirror's Edge game, but it's DICE's first attempt at an open world parkour game. its a great attempt at that.
This is the best open world game I've played after the story is over. There's so much to do, and the way patrols show up still give you that story feel. I've spent days playing this game, and I'm only half finished with all the side content, not to mention really doing anything with the user generated time trials or all the collectibles. There are areas I still don't know where I'm going in.
So what are you talking about "short weak sub par games" or DICE needing to "step it up" here? haha
Hey guys and gals,
sorry to hear some of you aren't enjoying Catalyst. It's always tough to hear when people didn't enjoy it at all of course, but in the end I am very happy that we got the opportunity to build this game, and I am very proud of what I and the team built. I absolutely love some of the main missions, and still get goosebumps at the end of benefactor, or in prisoner X. I especially love how varied the side missions are, not JUST delivery missions. The depth of the visual style, and how each district is defined, I think ended up really cool. and I think the audio and lighting is top notch.
...and thanks to those of you who are expressing how much you enjoyed it. we appreciate every word
Thank you, Linnea. Thank you and the whole development team for giving us this game. From the moment it was revealed, this has been one of my most anticipated games, and it did not disappoint in the slightest. I think the story is fantastic, and this open world you have put together is beyond impressive. It's taken over as my favorite open world game! I'm looking forward to what you and the team come up with for the next game.
Why is there people talking about multiple characteres and endings? Nothing of the short was ever said nor is needed for a game to be good, this isnt exacly an RPG... The game has always been about Faith, just like Ninja Gaiden was about Ryu before it got messed up by the new team leader. If we ask for a Icurus Dlc for example, we can, but as Dlc or stand alone expansion, makes no sense to be more than he is in the main game.
I agree, the game needed more dept and more main missions, there's enough of the city to offer it, high quality sequences to give characters more chance to shine would had been good too, more secondary missions to do after end game, Catalyst felt VERY short for today's standarts of a triple A game, I've enjoyed every bit of it and I think my money was well spend, but I'm a fan of this unique game. That does not blind me to see that there is indeed a need for improvement from lenght, combat move list and dept to it (the important basics are there and well made), if this series is to keep existing this issues must be adressed. I hope it does because most games this days feel the same, just shooters and more shooters....if we loose diversity I may as well quit gaming lol
There's also complains on the graphics for these consoles, I also agree as I am on ps4, a 30fps would probably allow a bigger drawing distance/higher quality and therefore less texture streaming, something that makes the game look ugly, I'm on ps4 thou, I just come across this issues mostly on the old style ME areas, the other areas work fine and look great and the 900p doesnt bother me much....
I'm still VERY happy and thankful to have another unique game to play, it's clearly the game I've enjoyed the most this year, hope despise it's flaws it succeds
Regardless, based on all the responses in the general discussions forums alone, MEC remains a technical mess and underwhelming game. I wish it weren't, but that's the sad reality. Personally, it's the most disappointing title I've played in years. I tried to continue playing after beating it (within hours) but it's pointless, non-rewarding and lacks end game content.
Regardless, based on all the responses in the general discussions forums alone, MEC remains a technical mess and underwhelming game. I wish it weren't, but that's the sad reality. Personally, it's the most disappointing title I've played in years. I tried to continue playing after beating it (within hours) but it's pointless, non-rewarding and lacks end game content.
You mean based on the few threads like this that you have decided are the majority? To me it doesn't sound like you are going to be satisfied no matter what they did. Just like with this statement of the game lacking end game content. There's side missions and collectibles dropped all over the city. You can't get past the next rooftop or building without finding something to pick up, explore, a quest to run, or having a run in with security. And that's not including all the user defined content. This is easily the best open world game I've seen for end game content.
The next Mirror's Edge title needs to be exposed to general public in the same way they did with Battlefield and Star Wars titles. The description of the game has to be clearer to understand so that more and more of em will start questioning about the existence of this game and thus gaining more interest in it.. No bias and this franchise needs to be taken more care into it just like they did it with the very first ME. Yes there are flaws and missing dialogues etc, but the end result is mostly positive and acceptable in general.
This seems like a dead topic, and id like to bring it back to life due to its importance to catalyst, and, more importantly a sequel. First of all, id like to say, i really hope dice reads their forums, if not (probably not), im sending them a link. I think everyone here has a point. Catalyst was not amazing. Catalyst was not bad. It was better than some peoples expectations, and very subpar compared to others. I loved catalyst. I think what made catalyst unique, special, and worth every penny for me was the emotion. The stark contrast between good and evil, heaven and ****. The claustrophobic nature of those pipes underground, and the freedom of being on that crane in ananasi. The evil intentions of kruger, and the runners will to stay alive. The way faith and icarus bonded after 8 hours of story. I do not in one moment doubt hat the people who worked on this game gave it their very best shot. I also dont doubt that dice and ea could have definately invested more in the game.
Personally, i loved the open world. I have spent hours and hours traversing the city, nkt stopping to fight, the digital wind in faiths face. One thing i have a love/hate relationship with is my laptop. Im 14, so i dont have much money and i run a meh rig. i5/ gt 940m / 12gb ram/ 1920x1080. And yet, even though the game looks like cr*p, it runs at a steady 30fps, which at least guarantees me smooth gameplay on high priority.
We all live in a modern world, and shooter games just dont cut it these days. There have been hundreds, maybe thousands of shoother games, all based around a similar topic. For me, the best games are portal and mirrors edge, just purely for their beauty and simplicity, and soundtrack . In my opinion dice SHOULD develop another mirror's edge, and most probably will, due to that infmamous last line "but we had started something" before you get a full headset of solar fields stunning "faith" track, but a) invest more experianced developers and money into it, and b) LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY. That is something games rarely do. I agree, don't listen to everyone, as if so, we would have walking robots shooting meteors in space as faith ran over asteroids in a pink dress, but i think the devoted community has a lot of great ideas to offer DICE and EA.
I would also love if we got a catalyst dlc. I would be willing to pay for a few extra hours of magical (don't quote me on this )gameplay with faith, icarus, plastic, director maera, kuma, amd others. But just dont follow just cause 3 in terms of dlc. I dont want a faith super jump, or tanks, or a shooter mech or something. Maybe add a forgotten part of glass, overgrown, full of trees and nature, sumlight flittering through the trees.
Anyway, i have some blender assets ro make for a friend,
@ArchAngeL_777 I don't know what's worse, that you believe this game is any good, or that this game and these forums have been abandoned.
To be abandoned, the forum had to be populated first. I dunno where you get your delusion but ME fan base has never been wide. A bit of hardcore speedrunner and few enthusiast that just discovered the game is all that remain but that's about it, just like the first one.
A game is good for someone who enjoys it, that's pure definition of the thing. Your tastes are not everyone's tastes and are surely not better nor worse than any other. They are just different, accept it.
If you haven't noticed, this game is owned by EA. if you read the art book, you will see that DICE had much bigger intentions for this game. However they are owned by EA so yeah...
a DLC would be nice but i also doubt we will ever see one. if so, we would have been given infos about it a long time ago and the way the industry works these days with games, they would have announced a season pass long ago or even planed DLC.
i think we still should consider out self lucky that they made a second game in the first place. the fan base is small but strong. even after 8 years since its original. which i still play every now and then.
if we are lucky, we will get a third game, only with this one i hope we wont have to wait for over 8 years.
Ditch Open World. Ditch Combats. Ditch Hipsters. Ditch RPG elements. Then i'd probably be interested again for a new Mirror's Edge.
Ditching combat is probably a bad idea, it's a big part of both game. One has you more running and having messy close combat fight quite difficult and yet so easy and terrible gun phase while the other has you as a goddess of fight. Something right in the middle would be perfect, I like the fact that faith isn't just scared and running. I admit ME:C lacked the tension during evading phase that the first ME had but it shouldn't all just be about running away everytime.
If RPG elements are to be dropped, then open world too which would make the next game focused entirely on the linear story, Dice's weakest point (in case you didn't know the history of the company for the past years). It's already kinda like wishing a barely passable next game. ME when it was released at the time felt fresh, now there are so many games that copied it that just remaking the experience wouldn't work. ME:C fresh ideas are on par with the time, they just need polishing to take the best of both game (and yes I think the open world is a good thing in ME)and polish it smartly to give us a well rounded experience from both previous game where they could focus some of their team to implement better the story.
Don't forget that both games were not the big title the studio was working on. Both games are more or less Tech demos.
All I'm really asking for now is take the best of both game and polish it around a nice story. But definitely not go back to all the roots of the first game.
Going back to linear wouldn't be that bad, but open world games nowadays seem so essential to the point that most people want to only see an open world. Now im not saying that because i think its true, there are definitely plenty more linear games to come that will be great, but Mec is a game that needs to move forwards, not backwards... they need to crack the code, which in due time they probably will. And I don't know where there are any major RPG elements in the game, you just play as Faith unravelling the truths of the city, I don't see that much RPG in Mec at all, and even a little bit isn't a problem anyway... and for Dice to pull off a good story in a good open world is 100% possible, they just need the time, and we need the patience...
I in no way felt there would be multiple story lines and endings just because of character introductions, In fact very few games have multiple endings and different story lines - there are two standard things - the main campaign and the side missions. Single players games with multiple playable characters usually explicitly tell you about this feature in which MEC never did in fact it makes it pretty clear this games lead character is Faith. So wanting these extra features is cool but expecting them makes no sense...
To me it's like ordering a pizza and then expecting extra ingredients that were never promised on that pizza then being let down when something that was never said to be there wasn't there...
Oh my god, that is so true. Perfect analogy, by the way.
No. False expectation. There was absolutely nothing in the narrative to suggest multiple path. You're just pulling at straws so you can continue whining.
What else are you going to invent? A character generator, just because the advertising said we'd get kits? A map generator, just because the PR said we could make our own time trials?
For reference, FFXIII was in development for over a decade, and didn't feature any of the things you claimed to have been expecting from Catalyst, (a small budget, small team fringe game.) What's your justification there?
The thing is to always keep your focus on what the game is about. Mirror's edge has always been a sort of "tech" demo game, most companies have one title like this. It's always, fresh, original, groundbreaking in some area, I think for example of the lightning in Catalyst which in complexity is miles away in terms of "developer" idea (at least the way they proceed to mix GI with baked illumination is quite refreshing and it works well, despite the frozen frame, it produces at rise and dawn time) and the gameplay will likely inspires more game to be similar (like others title who have taken the parkour side and copied a bit of ME dna in terms of gameplay mechanic).
It's a very enjoyable game where parkour is fun. Sure it doesn't have the epicness of a Mass Effect scenario or the budget of a GTA V but it wasn't the intended way (or the intended budget) for this game. It works, it's no perfect but, it succeed where it's most needed, unlike some other failure game that failed at everything (my most recent memory is about a game called Aliens: Colonial Marines supposed to be a multiplayer coop experience and completely failed at it).
The visuals are still the weakest part of the game, though. DICE really pushed the consoles too hard by making the game open world AND aiming for 60fps. A bit too ambitious for the hardware. That said, I *really* hope to see a Scorpio patch when that comes out next year. The city is gorgeous but the blurry graphics make it hard to take it all in.
This is the kind of thing I don't get at all from "fans" who have been "waiting 8 years" for another Mirror's Edge game. So we get one and all the sudden these high expectations come out of no where that don't track at all with what we got in the first game. It almost makes me want to ask if you really remember the first game. Why all the critic nonsense? Not only should we be ecstatic that we even get a Mirror's Edge game, but it's DICE's first attempt at an open world parkour game. its a great attempt at that.
This is the best open world game I've played after the story is over. There's so much to do, and the way patrols show up still give you that story feel. I've spent days playing this game, and I'm only half finished with all the side content, not to mention really doing anything with the user generated time trials or all the collectibles. There are areas I still don't know where I'm going in.
So what are you talking about "short weak sub par games" or DICE needing to "step it up" here? haha
Thank you, Linnea. Thank you and the whole development team for giving us this game. From the moment it was revealed, this has been one of my most anticipated games, and it did not disappoint in the slightest. I think the story is fantastic, and this open world you have put together is beyond impressive. It's taken over as my favorite open world game! I'm looking forward to what you and the team come up with for the next game.
Thanks, again.
I agree, the game needed more dept and more main missions, there's enough of the city to offer it, high quality sequences to give characters more chance to shine would had been good too, more secondary missions to do after end game, Catalyst felt VERY short for today's standarts of a triple A game, I've enjoyed every bit of it and I think my money was well spend, but I'm a fan of this unique game. That does not blind me to see that there is indeed a need for improvement from lenght, combat move list and dept to it (the important basics are there and well made), if this series is to keep existing this issues must be adressed. I hope it does because most games this days feel the same, just shooters and more shooters....if we loose diversity I may as well quit gaming lol
There's also complains on the graphics for these consoles, I also agree as I am on ps4, a 30fps would probably allow a bigger drawing distance/higher quality and therefore less texture streaming, something that makes the game look ugly, I'm on ps4 thou, I just come across this issues mostly on the old style ME areas, the other areas work fine and look great and the 900p doesnt bother me much....
I'm still VERY happy and thankful to have another unique game to play, it's clearly the game I've enjoyed the most this year, hope despise it's flaws it succeds
You mean based on the few threads like this that you have decided are the majority? To me it doesn't sound like you are going to be satisfied no matter what they did. Just like with this statement of the game lacking end game content. There's side missions and collectibles dropped all over the city. You can't get past the next rooftop or building without finding something to pick up, explore, a quest to run, or having a run in with security. And that's not including all the user defined content. This is easily the best open world game I've seen for end game content.
Personally, i loved the open world. I have spent hours and hours traversing the city, nkt stopping to fight, the digital wind in faiths face. One thing i have a love/hate relationship with is my laptop. Im 14, so i dont have much money and i run a meh rig. i5/ gt 940m / 12gb ram/ 1920x1080. And yet, even though the game looks like cr*p, it runs at a steady 30fps, which at least guarantees me smooth gameplay on high priority.
We all live in a modern world, and shooter games just dont cut it these days. There have been hundreds, maybe thousands of shoother games, all based around a similar topic. For me, the best games are portal and mirrors edge, just purely for their beauty and simplicity, and soundtrack
I would also love if we got a catalyst dlc. I would be willing to pay for a few extra hours of magical (don't quote me on this
Anyway, i have some blender assets ro make for a friend,
Lets keep Catalyst alive,
Me too, i want more of catalyst
To be abandoned, the forum had to be populated first. I dunno where you get your delusion but ME fan base has never been wide. A bit of hardcore speedrunner and few enthusiast that just discovered the game is all that remain but that's about it, just like the first one.
A game is good for someone who enjoys it, that's pure definition of the thing. Your tastes are not everyone's tastes and are surely not better nor worse than any other. They are just different, accept it.
i think we still should consider out self lucky that they made a second game in the first place. the fan base is small but strong. even after 8 years since its original. which i still play every now and then.
if we are lucky, we will get a third game, only with this one i hope we wont have to wait for over 8 years.
Ditching combat is probably a bad idea, it's a big part of both game. One has you more running and having messy close combat fight quite difficult and yet so easy and terrible gun phase while the other has you as a goddess of fight. Something right in the middle would be perfect, I like the fact that faith isn't just scared and running. I admit ME:C lacked the tension during evading phase that the first ME had but it shouldn't all just be about running away everytime.
If RPG elements are to be dropped, then open world too which would make the next game focused entirely on the linear story, Dice's weakest point (in case you didn't know the history of the company for the past years). It's already kinda like wishing a barely passable next game. ME when it was released at the time felt fresh, now there are so many games that copied it that just remaking the experience wouldn't work. ME:C fresh ideas are on par with the time, they just need polishing to take the best of both game (and yes I think the open world is a good thing in ME)and polish it smartly to give us a well rounded experience from both previous game where they could focus some of their team to implement better the story.
Don't forget that both games were not the big title the studio was working on. Both games are more or less Tech demos.
All I'm really asking for now is take the best of both game and polish it around a nice story. But definitely not go back to all the roots of the first game.