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Think we'll get a Mirror's Edge 3? - Page 4 — Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst Forums
i want to see other civilians! i'm tired of running through a ghost town of a metropolis. let's see the greylands too. what are they exactly? like the "old world" industiral zones that we live in today? a catacomb hive of steel i beams and modular habitats like the aug city in deus ex mankind divided? also flesh out faith's sister this time, and don't change anything about the story. get rid of the arbitrary timers for the side missions.
i think that the open world needs to stay, the only thing they need to change with the world is making it slightly bigger, so more areas, districts, and maybe enable us some ground action etc. they didn't completely stuff up the game, they just haven't cracked the code yet, they need to sit down and think about its future in more detail, consider our comments about multiplayer, bigger map, better/longer story, they are not dumb though, so i believe they will make the right decisions eventually. Dice is a strong company, catalyst needs to be continued, no matter what, it is a game that needs to see the light more, and i believe dice hasn't given up yet...
If they make it bigger, they have to give it far more life and excitement, and therefore I'm not sure if making the open world even bigger will help or harm Mirror's Edge. I'd far prefer a smaller, tightly packed open world environment with plenty of activities, easter eggs and interesting areas than a bigger explorable space that sacrifices the details and fun. You're right, they are a strong company and they have a bright future if they put the effort in.
If they didn't make the open world bigger it can't be small yet spacious at the same time because that would be a contradiction. Unless you mean like what I said earlier to increase map density by making more buildings acessable, making the ground levels more accessible, and more interesting activities in between.
Sorry, should have made it clearer- that's what I meant. I think the map should be a lot more dense with ground levels accessible, more indoor buildings in open world, and far more characters, races and activities in between. I'd prefer a smaller and denser map to a bigger and emptier map like we got in Catalyst.
i want to see other civilians! i'm tired of running through a ghost town of a metropolis. let's see the greylands too. what are they exactly? like the "old world" industiral zones that we live in today? a catacomb hive of steel i beams and modular habitats like the aug city in deus ex mankind divided? also flesh out faith's sister this time, and don't change anything about the story. get rid of the arbitrary timers for the side missions.
Boy, do I miss the original character of Kate from the first Mirror's Edge. 'Kat' in Catalyst was so underdeveloped, not to mention how off the ending felt, when you consider the sisters had only talked once or twice before in very intense and angry circumstances. (I apologise if we're still tagging spoilers on this forum, please call me out if this should still be tagged!)
i want to see other civilians! i'm tired of running through a ghost town of a metropolis. let's see the greylands too. what are they exactly? like the "old world" industiral zones that we live in today? a catacomb hive of steel i beams and modular habitats like the aug city in deus ex mankind divided? also flesh out faith's sister this time, and don't change anything about the story. get rid of the arbitrary timers for the side missions.
Boy, do I miss the original character of Kate from the first Mirror's Edge. 'Kat' in Catalyst was so underdeveloped, not to mention how off the ending felt, when you consider the sisters had only talked once or twice before in very intense and angry circumstances. (I apologise if we're still tagging spoilers on this forum, please call me out if this should still be tagged!)
Definitely, the ending felt weird to me as well, and I'm pretty sure this is the reason why.
Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
We need more Birdman and Nomad IMO, they just all of a sudden disappear
I agree, especially Birdman. He's built up to be such a legendary runner and mentor, yet you complete two missions and he's gone completely. With Birdman, he felt like a decent character, but Nomad, who was supposed to be Faith's best friend, was barely there at all in the main missions, and he only appeared in a couple side missions. We still know practically nothing about him.
We need more Birdman and Nomad IMO, they just all of a sudden disappear
I agree, especially Birdman. He's built up to be such a legendary runner and mentor, yet you complete two missions and he's gone completely. With Birdman, he felt like a decent character, but Nomad, who was supposed to be Faith's best friend, was barely there at all in the main missions, and he only appeared in a couple side missions. We still know practically nothing about him.
If you watch earlier trailers of Catalyst, it's implied that Birdman and Nomad have bigger roles and are in the main storyline more frequently. But I guess changes happened and their screen time was reduced, because some previously shown cutscenes don't appear in the final game.
Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
Does anybody here agree that the next game should have 2 modes? Single player story, which features Faith, and Multiplayer which is a full online 64 player runners in the City? Servers are selectable. I mean they've used most ideas and concepts from Mirror' s Edge into Battlefield, why not do it the other way around? Runner Customization is a brilliant idea for us.
The leader boards for Dashes/Time trials, still stays in Single player, but in Multiplayer, you can go for an adventure with your friends with your own cabal. Make cabals is like sort of a clan network. You can join, or leave it.
64 Players? Definitely a nope. I wouldn't mind that you can "add" party members in a lobby (something around 4 - 8) but definitely not a fully scale multiplayer. That would just be wrong in my opinion and it would waste so many other areas of the game (gameplay, design, ) that need a lot of effort because it's kind of the core of Mirror's Edge series unlike Battlefield which is by definition a huge multiplayer fest.
There are things I really liked in this ME but weren't developed to their full potential so here are a few things I'd like to see in the future:
-Cabale, great idea on paper, I just regret that all cabale were almost lifeless in this game. You almost never have interaction with other runners. In fact ME:C managed pretty badly to make us discovers the universe in which it takes place. Beside what Noah, Icarus, and Nomad, I don't know much about the runner world. The second game managed to underdeveloped that compared to the first one. I wish the second game shows us that there are plenty of different runners and that Cabale can be "found" in very hidden place (like a reward if you find one) and I also wish you could place YOUR own cabale somewhere (with various choices) and a bit of customization. Not too much but just a "bit" more than the usual logo on computer screen. Like furniture change and maybe some few extras. But most of all I wish all cabale were different and belonged to different groups of people and you could learn from them. We're all runner but we're kinda on our own also.
-Skills, were a nice addition to the game IMO. I like the fact you don't start overpowered with all your skill set but, instead of having "points" to spend in the future, I'd rather see a system that boost your stats from the amount you spend on developing a skill. Just like real sport, the more you do jump, the higher you goes and the better is the fall. You could start the game with all the skills but just not at their maximum potential that are being unlocked through the game the more you practice.
-I'd like to have multiplayer for party members to roam around with you. Not too much because the game is already demanding a lot of ressources and I'd like to evade the typical bad lag issue (and also I don't think runners are supposed to do meeting of more than 10 people otherwise Kruger sec would obviously find them very very easily and take them down, it makes no sense) but something around a party of 3 people with you making a total of 4. The host of the lobby would have his map as the reference and so other players could see his cabale. I think the system should actually happen in the cabale where you invite other party members and they join you. Then I don't know about the point of it yet, but just being able to free-roam around is very cool. If there are side missions you could do that would be cool too if specific for multiplayer. I also want them to keep the Beat L.E. and Time Trial challenge, that was a very good idea!
-I want more focus on the SP story. I felt ME:C story was a bit rushed and if you don't read all the intel on the website and collect all the audio diary it's very very very hard to make it out of what happened, where you are and what's going on in the world it takes place. The first mirror's edge was smoother at this. It was something around a near present time in an actual context. ME:C has a lot of Sci Fi elements in it and it's a mess to understand what's OmniSat, Sabeus, Cascadia, what problems there are just by following the Single Player story that only focus on reflection. I wished among anything they had focus more on the runner and less on the drama. Not that I dislike the epic story, just that I didn't know at all where I stand in that and what were the different factions like. It's a rich world but it needs more development in a future game.
You made a good point the Geoffrey. Yeah it would be clustered as such if there are 64 runners around. It's not a war right? haha.
About that cabal idea is definitely a must for the next one. Each cabal is unique and my suggestion is that they are capable of conquering places by leaving cabal marks on the walls. A race which cabal has the best Dash time, will 'conquer' the area. A sort of a friendly type of races to see who is the fastest is the city.
This may be a great idea : Being a runner, you were also given a task of delivering items like normal runners do. In Singleplayer Faith does her Diversion job all by herself and no has backup. The Diversion mission like we have now I think would be a great idea to be placed in a multiplayer. Imagine that each person in a group of 4-5 runners, have to divert Ksec gurads at different places. The main carrier has to deliver the item quickly to the destination. If the job is well done, each runner or players will receive specific scores. This will gain your skill points.
Played catalyst after long time and without issues on graphdrivers... Gotta say it brought back great feeling when just flowing through city, doing deliveries and stuff. I loved the original game just for the views and story eventhought there was no much depth, grown to love this too. Original could be played through as speed runs and timetrials the whole story and many times in one sitting . I'm starting to find same elements in MEC
Strong story and NOT too much runnig between story points will keep this game interesting. Think this game came between Starwars and BF1 and still people were hyped (I was and most of u) this wasn't pretty much advertised compared to others.
Now, I understand that people love all that multiplayer and so on, but this game is more complex than fps to have multiplayer. I would say if they made multiplayer storyline missions this game would be all ready benchmark in many ways... This game is not mario bros nor Battle field, neither SIMS, it has been story driven game but who knows what future brings, it is what people demand. We already have lots of side missions and lots of minimissions (deliverys etc.) and strong story. Hope if we have strong story with depth and challenging "parkour" in possible future game too, all else is extra. And a question, is there in batman a multiplayer, many batmans running around? What about whicher? Thought don't want to shoot down everyting, there's some good ideas there u have about multiplayer in small scale.
in ME3 there might be a main menu for it, there will be characters for MEC and there will be Celeste, There would be also more realistic look than the MEC look, and also there is a more different and better story than the MEC. This is my opinion.
Does anybody here agree that the next game should have 2 modes? Single player story, which features Faith, and Multiplayer which is a full online 64 player runners in the City? Servers are selectable. I mean they've used most ideas and concepts from Mirror' s Edge into Battlefield, why not do it the other way around? Runner Customization is a brilliant idea for us.
The leader boards for Dashes/Time trials, still stays in Single player, but in Multiplayer, you can go for an adventure with your friends with your own cabal. Make cabals is like sort of a clan network. You can join, or leave it.
64 players in a game like this from a technical standpoint just wouldn't work. MEC's map is already pretty small, but add 64 players doing who knows what. It would basically be an MMO at that point, and that isn't what we should want in a ME game. First in foremost the story should be important, and the gameplay is great, but its the story elements that need work. MEC sort of detracted from what ME1 tried to do, and ME1's story could have been really good if it wasn't so short and rushed. I want see a more expanded version of what ME1 started because MEC's story seemed a little too generic for my taste, and didn't really hit those strides through out. The only good story elements were parts at the beginning, and the last few parts towards the end of the game.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst is great, great game. One thing did cause all the negativity:
The fact, that you couldn't find your bearings in the world. Let's face it, closing the runner's view and navigating through the world on your own, always knowing where you are, is the biggest challenge in this game. Not having constant points of orientation and objects with memorability causes loss of motivation and the question of meaning.
This then causes boredom, you heard it all over youtube and other sites, "the game is boring". And then all the other negative points followed. But in my opinion, this was what killed the game for the naggers. It's all about feelings and emotions. Rationally viewed the game is a masterpiece. Perfect voice acting, Perfect mechanics and overall functioning of the game, loading points perfect, loading times good, story perfect (and the nice extension of the comic), music awesome and dreamy, the game is high quality and very well made.
But for the next time, more memorable objects in the game world, additions in the inner and outer architecture design are needed. I know, it must be a **** lot of work, but i think, there is no other way around.
Did anyone forget about the podcast that Faye and the guy who does Icarus were interviewed on, they said there would be dlc but it probably got delayed for Battlefield. I hope it's announced at E3!!
Did anyone forget about the podcast that Faye and the guy who does Icarus were interviewed on, they said there would be dlc but it probably got delayed for Battlefield. I hope it's announced at E3!!
ImUrFriend I checked just now, SoundCloud removed it
They did, not sure why, maybe because Dice didn't want to have any fans knowing about plans for a Dlc if they are planning a Dlc. I did find another website with a podcast on it but im
Not sure if it was the one that stated about the Dlc, it definitely was the voice actors but it may of been another podcast, because it also had Solar fieldsand the voice actor who voiced faith in the original, so im not sure... but either way i hope they announce Dlc at E3 next month!!!
I really hope they make a number three. If they made a number 3 Faith should be able to drive and do a lot of other new things. Everybody cross your fingers.
I'd be very disappointed if they didn't make another Mirror's Edge. Though, the next one should really take a new look at the open world.
To put it gently, Catalyst flopped with the open world, and DICE somehow managed to pull a Bethesda and created a large, flat open world with little to do in a giant multi-level city. Frankly, I don't see the gameplay of the next game as a crucially vital aspect to be refined at the expense of the open world. While the gameplay of Catalyst was a little dull, it still had the free running we all know and love that makes the game work, but the world itself simply couldn't hold its weight as it was simply so placid and lifeless.
DICE has the good fortune to have a game concept with open world potential that simply trashes most of its competitors. Yet, this was sadly wasted in Catalyst as DICE chose to cut a lot of corners (basically everywhere by the looks of it). The amount of things you could stuff in an open world for Mirror's Edge is frankly amazing and maddening to think about when looking at how bland so much of Catalyst's world is. Of course, the set pieces in Catalyst are no doubt beautiful, and I adore this series in no small part due to its art direction, but design cannot stand on its own without proper implementation into the game. You can have beautiful rooftop cafes, but if there's only two people that idly stand next to each other there permanently with no actual movement or traffic, it's not going to work.
It's quite clear that a lot of Catalyst's cut corners had to do with optimization and the fact that current computer power can't necessarily handle the truly expansive multi-level open world that Mirror's Edge really deserves (ironically a failing that was spotted in the first game, and addressed by removing the open world entirely), so the failure cannot be placed solely as one of poor design. Still, the open world cannot be left as a lifeless husk masquerading as a city.
The new Mirror's Edge (if it comes) needs to find its own way to make a believable world with vibrant life. Whether it's through next level optimization, load times, set pieces, etc. one of the next game's top concerns must be to create a world where the game can truly thrive.
IN my opinion, they should add character customization to "Faith". So new shoes and out fits and stuff like that. The only thing i don't like is that you can't use KSEC's weapons against them like you could do in the original Mirrors Edge. I wish they would update their graphics a lot. I think ME 3 would sell well if they didn't have such basic graphics. more open city and more story. And i would buy that game Day 1 all DLC what ever
I also think the Open World needs new polishing. ME:C felt indeed lifeless in various areas (especially the first areas of the game where it's an almost flat 1 dimensional rooftop level).
It improved towards the second half of the locations 'Shimmering Height, Crystal Valley, Edven Village, Ocean Pier & Regatta Bay' with more interiors, Bars, people hanging in the windows but there was still this feeling during the entire game that despite being on rooftop, I was actually on ground level with more or less variations. There was no true sense of vertical direction going from ground to rooftop (beside missions).
I think it's great they attempted an open world and I wish Mirror's Edge 3 will also feature an open world to explore but I would love to have it more cleverly done with vertical levels too, some interiors and more interactions with the people in the city because KSec was getting pretty boring after a while and really felt like mindless AI.
I also wish the flow should be re-worked a bit and the assistance "follow the red thing" Runner Vision removed in a third mirror's edge, this distracted me so much and kinda remove the point to use your brain and attempt things to see how it ends up.
That's a thing I really like in the first ME, it was the smart choices you had to do very quickly.
I also wish there were more AI like the first one. Deadly riffles so point is to evades direct fire, People trained to go after you and are actually very dangerous. Less dumb AI restricted to zone in the end. I'd like to have to react quickly to situations and make smart choices rather than just building a some stats bar telling me I'm now invincible and I can kill everyone as long as I run. ME:C never really made me anxious at any point considering that as long as I was hitting people and running I gained shields. And I never took the risk to stand still (who would?)
If there's by any chance the possibility of a multiplayer, I wouldn't like the have them waste too much time on it, I think for a third game a simple Sandbox "free running" around with friends would be good enough.
Maybe a few little games like "Survive K-Sec" (Survival) or "Espace together K-Sec" would be fun but I would rather have dice focus on the Single Player elements/story and the World / Gameplay of the game first which are the most important. Then eventually if a few new things can be introduced, it's all welcome.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst is great, great game. One thing did cause all the negativity:
The fact, that you couldn't find your bearings in the world. Let's face it, closing the runner's view and navigating through the world on your own, always knowing where you are, is the biggest challenge in this game. Not having constant points of orientation and objects with memorability causes loss of motivation and the question of meaning.
This then causes boredom, you heard it all over youtube and other sites, "the game is boring". And then all the other negative points followed. But in my opinion, this was what killed the game for the naggers. It's all about feelings and emotions. Rationally viewed the game is a masterpiece. Perfect voice acting, Perfect mechanics and overall functioning of the game, loading points perfect, loading times good, story perfect (and the nice extension of the comic), music awesome and dreamy, the game is high quality and very well made.
But for the next time, more memorable objects in the game world, additions in the inner and outer architecture design are needed. I know, it must be a **** lot of work, but i think, there is no other way around.
I hope that helps and someone reads this.
I always thought I was the only one who had to use Runner Vision almost constantly. Even though I've played the first game I found it quite hard to navigate my way around Glass in MEC without Runner Echo. If objects were coloured red, I felt that it was much harder to create a flow than it was in the first game. I would always be constantly turning and trying to find the next red object. I'm not really sure what it is- maybe the design of the city is more spaced out in MEC, or it has more colour so it's harder to spot red?
But the Runner Echo created a great swiftness and flow that I loved. Also by the middle/end of the game I was familiar enough with most areas and didn't need it just as much.
Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
I'd be very disappointed if they didn't make another Mirror's Edge. Though, the next one should really take a new look at the open world.
To put it gently, Catalyst flopped with the open world, and DICE somehow managed to pull a Bethesda and created a large, flat open world with little to do in a giant multi-level city. Frankly, I don't see the gameplay of the next game as a crucially vital aspect to be refined at the expense of the open world. While the gameplay of Catalyst was a little dull, it still had the free running we all know and love that makes the game work, but the world itself simply couldn't hold its weight as it was simply so placid and lifeless.
DICE has the good fortune to have a game concept with open world potential that simply trashes most of its competitors. Yet, this was sadly wasted in Catalyst as DICE chose to cut a lot of corners (basically everywhere by the looks of it). The amount of things you could stuff in an open world for Mirror's Edge is frankly amazing and maddening to think about when looking at how bland so much of Catalyst's world is. Of course, the set pieces in Catalyst are no doubt beautiful, and I adore this series in no small part due to its art direction, but design cannot stand on its own without proper implementation into the game. You can have beautiful rooftop cafes, but if there's only two people that idly stand next to each other there permanently with no actual movement or traffic, it's not going to work.
It's quite clear that a lot of Catalyst's cut corners had to do with optimization and the fact that current computer power can't necessarily handle the truly expansive multi-level open world that Mirror's Edge really deserves (ironically a failing that was spotted in the first game, and addressed by removing the open world entirely), so the failure cannot be placed solely as one of poor design. Still, the open world cannot be left as a lifeless husk masquerading as a city.
The new Mirror's Edge (if it comes) needs to find its own way to make a believable world with vibrant life. Whether it's through next level optimization, load times, set pieces, etc. one of the next game's top concerns must be to create a world where the game can truly thrive.
To be fair I always thought this was deliberate because that's what the life of Runners was like- they're cut off from the normal citizens/employs, they live on 'the edge', and they're also disliked by KrugerSec, so it makes sense for them to keep interaction with NPCs to a minimum. But then I thought of Assassin's Creed and I realised that, yes, DICE could make their open world much more lifelike, detailed and rich without necessarily having to interact with NPCS.
However, what I do give DICE credit for is hidden detail. I'm not sure about anyone else but when I'm in free roam, especially in the Anchor district, if I stop long enough in hallways or on top of roofs etc, sometimes I can hear muffled conversations going on behind closed doors or windows. There are other little gems like this that I cannot really call to mind as of now, but this proves the open world isn't that bad, and that DICE can surprise us sometimes. They do have lots of potential.
Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
Does anybody here agree that the next game should have 2 modes? Single player story, which features Faith, and Multiplayer which is a full online 64 player runners in the City? Servers are selectable. I mean they've used most ideas and concepts from Mirror' s Edge into Battlefield, why not do it the other way around? Runner Customization is a brilliant idea for us.
The leader boards for Dashes/Time trials, still stays in Single player, but in Multiplayer, you can go for an adventure with your friends with your own cabal. Make cabals is like sort of a clan network. You can join, or leave it.
2 modes sounds like a platform the developers could definitely use and make ME work with it.
Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
I also think the Open World needs new polishing. ME:C felt indeed lifeless in various areas (especially the first areas of the game where it's an almost flat 1 dimensional rooftop level).
It improved towards the second half of the locations 'Shimmering Height, Crystal Valley, Edven Village, Ocean Pier & Regatta Bay' with more interiors, Bars, people hanging in the windows but there was still this feeling during the entire game that despite being on rooftop, I was actually on ground level with more or less variations. There was no true sense of vertical direction going from ground to rooftop (beside missions).
I think it's great they attempted an open world and I wish Mirror's Edge 3 will also feature an open world to explore but I would love to have it more cleverly done with vertical levels too, some interiors and more interactions with the people in the city because KSec was getting pretty boring after a while and really felt like mindless AI.
I also wish the flow should be re-worked a bit and the assistance "follow the red thing" Runner Vision removed in a third mirror's edge, this distracted me so much and kinda remove the point to use your brain and attempt things to see how it ends up.
That's a thing I really like in the first ME, it was the smart choices you had to do very quickly.
I also wish there were more AI like the first one. Deadly riffles so point is to evades direct fire, People trained to go after you and are actually very dangerous. Less dumb AI restricted to zone in the end. I'd like to have to react quickly to situations and make smart choices rather than just building a some stats bar telling me I'm now invincible and I can kill everyone as long as I run. ME:C never really made me anxious at any point considering that as long as I was hitting people and running I gained shields. And I never took the risk to stand still (who would?)
If there's by any chance the possibility of a multiplayer, I wouldn't like the have them waste too much time on it, I think for a third game a simple Sandbox "free running" around with friends would be good enough.
Maybe a few little games like "Survive K-Sec" (Survival) or "Espace together K-Sec" would be fun but I would rather have dice focus on the Single Player elements/story and the World / Gameplay of the game first which are the most important. Then eventually if a few new things can be introduced, it's all welcome.
I agree about the combat progression system. In the first ME combat felt much more dangerous and risky, what with the guns, and do you remember the Pirandello Kruger agents? They used to make me sooooo scared- I used to hate escaping them in Chapter 6 and 8. But now that I look back on it, it was a good kind of tension that made me fully immerse myself in the game and concentrate.
Survival is overrated. You need to live a little too.
I also think the Open World needs new polishing. ME:C felt indeed lifeless in various areas (especially the first areas of the game where it's an almost flat 1 dimensional rooftop level).
It improved towards the second half of the locations 'Shimmering Height, Crystal Valley, Edven Village, Ocean Pier & Regatta Bay' with more interiors, Bars, people hanging in the windows but there was still this feeling during the entire game that despite being on rooftop, I was actually on ground level with more or less variations. There was no true sense of vertical direction going from ground to rooftop (beside missions).
I think it's great they attempted an open world and I wish Mirror's Edge 3 will also feature an open world to explore but I would love to have it more cleverly done with vertical levels too, some interiors and more interactions with the people in the city because KSec was getting pretty boring after a while and really felt like mindless AI.
I also wish the flow should be re-worked a bit and the assistance "follow the red thing" Runner Vision removed in a third mirror's edge, this distracted me so much and kinda remove the point to use your brain and attempt things to see how it ends up.
That's a thing I really like in the first ME, it was the smart choices you had to do very quickly.
I also wish there were more AI like the first one. Deadly riffles so point is to evades direct fire, People trained to go after you and are actually very dangerous. Less dumb AI restricted to zone in the end. I'd like to have to react quickly to situations and make smart choices rather than just building a some stats bar telling me I'm now invincible and I can kill everyone as long as I run. ME:C never really made me anxious at any point considering that as long as I was hitting people and running I gained shields. And I never took the risk to stand still (who would?)
If there's by any chance the possibility of a multiplayer, I wouldn't like the have them waste too much time on it, I think for a third game a simple Sandbox "free running" around with friends would be good enough.
Maybe a few little games like "Survive K-Sec" (Survival) or "Espace together K-Sec" would be fun but I would rather have dice focus on the Single Player elements/story and the World / Gameplay of the game first which are the most important. Then eventually if a few new things can be introduced, it's all welcome.
I agree about the combat progression system. In the first ME combat felt much more dangerous and risky, what with the guns, and do you remember the Pirandello Kruger agents? They used to make me sooooo scared- I used to hate escaping them in Chapter 6 and 8. But now that I look back on it, it was a good kind of tension that made me fully immerse myself in the game and concentrate.
I agree, I was constantly at the edge of my seat with that game, I mean literally, I caught myself almost sitting on thin air multiple times while playing it. I didn't have the same feeling in Catalyst, probably due to the fact that I felt I could outrun or beat anyone that challenged me.
The Project Icarus agents could be done in a new ME in the form of sentinels that actually run after you, or thinner, more flexible enemies (sentinels are pretty buff and that suit looks heavy).
I'd like that feeling of "I HAVE to run" to be back.
Sorry, should have made it clearer- that's what I meant. I think the map should be a lot more dense with ground levels accessible, more indoor buildings in open world, and far more characters, races and activities in between. I'd prefer a smaller and denser map to a bigger and emptier map like we got in Catalyst.
Boy, do I miss the original character of Kate from the first Mirror's Edge. 'Kat' in Catalyst was so underdeveloped, not to mention how off the ending felt, when you consider the sisters had only talked once or twice before in very intense and angry circumstances. (I apologise if we're still tagging spoilers on this forum, please call me out if this should still be tagged!)
Definitely, the ending felt weird to me as well, and I'm pretty sure this is the reason why.
I agree, especially Birdman. He's built up to be such a legendary runner and mentor, yet you complete two missions and he's gone completely. With Birdman, he felt like a decent character, but Nomad, who was supposed to be Faith's best friend, was barely there at all in the main missions, and he only appeared in a couple side missions. We still know practically nothing about him.
If you watch earlier trailers of Catalyst, it's implied that Birdman and Nomad have bigger roles and are in the main storyline more frequently. But I guess changes happened and their screen time was reduced, because some previously shown cutscenes don't appear in the final game.
The leader boards for Dashes/Time trials, still stays in Single player, but in Multiplayer, you can go for an adventure with your friends with your own cabal. Make cabals is like sort of a clan network. You can join, or leave it.
There are things I really liked in this ME but weren't developed to their full potential so here are a few things I'd like to see in the future:
-Cabale, great idea on paper, I just regret that all cabale were almost lifeless in this game. You almost never have interaction with other runners. In fact ME:C managed pretty badly to make us discovers the universe in which it takes place. Beside what Noah, Icarus, and Nomad, I don't know much about the runner world. The second game managed to underdeveloped that compared to the first one. I wish the second game shows us that there are plenty of different runners and that Cabale can be "found" in very hidden place (like a reward if you find one) and I also wish you could place YOUR own cabale somewhere (with various choices) and a bit of customization. Not too much but just a "bit" more than the usual logo on computer screen. Like furniture change and maybe some few extras. But most of all I wish all cabale were different and belonged to different groups of people and you could learn from them. We're all runner but we're kinda on our own also.
-Skills, were a nice addition to the game IMO. I like the fact you don't start overpowered with all your skill set but, instead of having "points" to spend in the future, I'd rather see a system that boost your stats from the amount you spend on developing a skill. Just like real sport, the more you do jump, the higher you goes and the better is the fall. You could start the game with all the skills but just not at their maximum potential that are being unlocked through the game the more you practice.
-I'd like to have multiplayer for party members to roam around with you. Not too much because the game is already demanding a lot of ressources and I'd like to evade the typical bad lag issue (and also I don't think runners are supposed to do meeting of more than 10 people otherwise Kruger sec would obviously find them very very easily and take them down, it makes no sense) but something around a party of 3 people with you making a total of 4. The host of the lobby would have his map as the reference and so other players could see his cabale. I think the system should actually happen in the cabale where you invite other party members and they join you. Then I don't know about the point of it yet, but just being able to free-roam around is very cool. If there are side missions you could do that would be cool too if specific for multiplayer. I also want them to keep the Beat L.E. and Time Trial challenge, that was a very good idea!
-I want more focus on the SP story. I felt ME:C story was a bit rushed and if you don't read all the intel on the website and collect all the audio diary it's very very very hard to make it out of what happened, where you are and what's going on in the world it takes place. The first mirror's edge was smoother at this. It was something around a near present time in an actual context. ME:C has a lot of Sci Fi elements in it and it's a mess to understand what's OmniSat, Sabeus, Cascadia, what problems there are just by following the Single Player story that only focus on reflection. I wished among anything they had focus more on the runner and less on the drama. Not that I dislike the epic story, just that I didn't know at all where I stand in that and what were the different factions like. It's a rich world but it needs more development in a future game.
About that cabal idea is definitely a must for the next one. Each cabal is unique and my suggestion is that they are capable of conquering places by leaving cabal marks on the walls. A race which cabal has the best Dash time, will 'conquer' the area. A sort of a friendly type of races to see who is the fastest is the city.
This may be a great idea : Being a runner, you were also given a task of delivering items like normal runners do. In Singleplayer Faith does her Diversion job all by herself and no has backup. The Diversion mission like we have now I think would be a great idea to be placed in a multiplayer. Imagine that each person in a group of 4-5 runners, have to divert Ksec gurads at different places. The main carrier has to deliver the item quickly to the destination. If the job is well done, each runner or players will receive specific scores. This will gain your skill points.
Strong story and NOT too much runnig between story points will keep this game interesting. Think this game came between Starwars and BF1 and still people were hyped (I was and most of u) this wasn't pretty much advertised compared to others.
Now, I understand that people love all that multiplayer and so on, but this game is more complex than fps to have multiplayer. I would say if they made multiplayer storyline missions this game would be all ready benchmark in many ways... This game is not mario bros nor Battle field, neither SIMS, it has been story driven game but who knows what future brings, it is what people demand. We already have lots of side missions and lots of minimissions (deliverys etc.) and strong story. Hope if we have strong story with depth and challenging "parkour" in possible future game too, all else is extra. And a question, is there in batman a multiplayer, many batmans running around?
64 players in a game like this from a technical standpoint just wouldn't work. MEC's map is already pretty small, but add 64 players doing who knows what. It would basically be an MMO at that point, and that isn't what we should want in a ME game. First in foremost the story should be important, and the gameplay is great, but its the story elements that need work. MEC sort of detracted from what ME1 tried to do, and ME1's story could have been really good if it wasn't so short and rushed. I want see a more expanded version of what ME1 started because MEC's story seemed a little too generic for my taste, and didn't really hit those strides through out. The only good story elements were parts at the beginning, and the last few parts towards the end of the game.
The fact, that you couldn't find your bearings in the world. Let's face it, closing the runner's view and navigating through the world on your own, always knowing where you are, is the biggest challenge in this game. Not having constant points of orientation and objects with memorability causes loss of motivation and the question of meaning.
This then causes boredom, you heard it all over youtube and other sites, "the game is boring". And then all the other negative points followed. But in my opinion, this was what killed the game for the naggers. It's all about feelings and emotions. Rationally viewed the game is a masterpiece. Perfect voice acting, Perfect mechanics and overall functioning of the game, loading points perfect, loading times good, story perfect (and the nice extension of the comic), music awesome and dreamy, the game is high quality and very well made.
But for the next time, more memorable objects in the game world, additions in the inner and outer architecture design are needed. I know, it must be a **** lot of work, but i think, there is no other way around.
I hope that helps and someone reads this.
They did, not sure why, maybe because Dice didn't want to have any fans knowing about plans for a Dlc if they are planning a Dlc. I did find another website with a podcast on it but im
Not sure if it was the one that stated about the Dlc, it definitely was the voice actors but it may of been another podcast, because it also had Solar fieldsand the voice actor who voiced faith in the original, so im not sure... but either way i hope they announce Dlc at E3 next month!!!
Dogen probably didn't like it. His men are going to find them soon.
To put it gently, Catalyst flopped with the open world, and DICE somehow managed to pull a Bethesda and created a large, flat open world with little to do in a giant multi-level city. Frankly, I don't see the gameplay of the next game as a crucially vital aspect to be refined at the expense of the open world. While the gameplay of Catalyst was a little dull, it still had the free running we all know and love that makes the game work, but the world itself simply couldn't hold its weight as it was simply so placid and lifeless.
DICE has the good fortune to have a game concept with open world potential that simply trashes most of its competitors. Yet, this was sadly wasted in Catalyst as DICE chose to cut a lot of corners (basically everywhere by the looks of it). The amount of things you could stuff in an open world for Mirror's Edge is frankly amazing and maddening to think about when looking at how bland so much of Catalyst's world is. Of course, the set pieces in Catalyst are no doubt beautiful, and I adore this series in no small part due to its art direction, but design cannot stand on its own without proper implementation into the game. You can have beautiful rooftop cafes, but if there's only two people that idly stand next to each other there permanently with no actual movement or traffic, it's not going to work.
It's quite clear that a lot of Catalyst's cut corners had to do with optimization and the fact that current computer power can't necessarily handle the truly expansive multi-level open world that Mirror's Edge really deserves (ironically a failing that was spotted in the first game, and addressed by removing the open world entirely), so the failure cannot be placed solely as one of poor design. Still, the open world cannot be left as a lifeless husk masquerading as a city.
The new Mirror's Edge (if it comes) needs to find its own way to make a believable world with vibrant life. Whether it's through next level optimization, load times, set pieces, etc. one of the next game's top concerns must be to create a world where the game can truly thrive.
No, it's still there (I also linked it over in another thread here earlier):
It improved towards the second half of the locations 'Shimmering Height, Crystal Valley, Edven Village, Ocean Pier & Regatta Bay' with more interiors, Bars, people hanging in the windows but there was still this feeling during the entire game that despite being on rooftop, I was actually on ground level with more or less variations. There was no true sense of vertical direction going from ground to rooftop (beside missions).
I think it's great they attempted an open world and I wish Mirror's Edge 3 will also feature an open world to explore but I would love to have it more cleverly done with vertical levels too, some interiors and more interactions with the people in the city because KSec was getting pretty boring after a while and really felt like mindless AI.
I also wish the flow should be re-worked a bit and the assistance "follow the red thing" Runner Vision removed in a third mirror's edge, this distracted me so much and kinda remove the point to use your brain and attempt things to see how it ends up.
That's a thing I really like in the first ME, it was the smart choices you had to do very quickly.
I also wish there were more AI like the first one. Deadly riffles so point is to evades direct fire, People trained to go after you and are actually very dangerous. Less dumb AI restricted to zone in the end. I'd like to have to react quickly to situations and make smart choices rather than just building a some stats bar telling me I'm now invincible and I can kill everyone as long as I run. ME:C never really made me anxious at any point considering that as long as I was hitting people and running I gained shields. And I never took the risk to stand still (who would?)
If there's by any chance the possibility of a multiplayer, I wouldn't like the have them waste too much time on it, I think for a third game a simple Sandbox "free running" around with friends would be good enough.
Maybe a few little games like "Survive K-Sec" (Survival) or "Espace together K-Sec" would be fun but I would rather have dice focus on the Single Player elements/story and the World / Gameplay of the game first which are the most important. Then eventually if a few new things can be introduced, it's all welcome.
I always thought I was the only one who had to use Runner Vision almost constantly. Even though I've played the first game I found it quite hard to navigate my way around Glass in MEC without Runner Echo. If objects were coloured red, I felt that it was much harder to create a flow than it was in the first game. I would always be constantly turning and trying to find the next red object. I'm not really sure what it is- maybe the design of the city is more spaced out in MEC, or it has more colour so it's harder to spot red?
But the Runner Echo created a great swiftness and flow that I loved. Also by the middle/end of the game I was familiar enough with most areas and didn't need it just as much.
To be fair I always thought this was deliberate because that's what the life of Runners was like- they're cut off from the normal citizens/employs, they live on 'the edge', and they're also disliked by KrugerSec, so it makes sense for them to keep interaction with NPCs to a minimum. But then I thought of Assassin's Creed and I realised that, yes, DICE could make their open world much more lifelike, detailed and rich without necessarily having to interact with NPCS.
However, what I do give DICE credit for is hidden detail. I'm not sure about anyone else but when I'm in free roam, especially in the Anchor district, if I stop long enough in hallways or on top of roofs etc, sometimes I can hear muffled conversations going on behind closed doors or windows. There are other little gems like this that I cannot really call to mind as of now, but this proves the open world isn't that bad, and that DICE can surprise us sometimes. They do have lots of potential.
2 modes sounds like a platform the developers could definitely use and make ME work with it.
I agree about the combat progression system. In the first ME combat felt much more dangerous and risky, what with the guns, and do you remember the Pirandello Kruger agents? They used to make me sooooo scared- I used to hate escaping them in Chapter 6 and 8. But now that I look back on it, it was a good kind of tension that made me fully immerse myself in the game and concentrate.
I agree, I was constantly at the edge of my seat with that game, I mean literally, I caught myself almost sitting on thin air multiple times while playing it. I didn't have the same feeling in Catalyst, probably due to the fact that I felt I could outrun or beat anyone that challenged me.
The Project Icarus agents could be done in a new ME in the form of sentinels that actually run after you, or thinner, more flexible enemies (sentinels are pretty buff and that suit looks heavy).
I'd like that feeling of "I HAVE to run" to be back.